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Biceps workout

When starting on a muscle program, one of the most important part that people focus on are, biceps. And if you have a big and huge biceps then people know that you are top on your workout game. So, if you are focusing on biceps( which most people do) then it is the best option through which you can show your muscles.

These are some basic tips for best biceps exercise

The most important thing for biceps exercise is that heavy lifting should be given priority. But it is very important that you need to do lifting properly and appropriate body position should be maintained.

1. Barbell curl

This is the most important set of exercise through which biceps exercise should be started. While doing this exercise the main focus should be not cutting the movement pattern short as well as the weight and momentum is not allowing you to lean toward back.

barbell curls

2. Dumbell exercise

The second exercise is dumbell exercise in which you need to hold a pair of dumbell and weight should be such, so that you can pull up and release down slowly. Through this exercise you will feel maximum tension on the muscle which is the best part for biceps formation. Try to do 3-4 sets with certain no of reps taking regular rest between each set.

dumbell grip

3. Concentration curl

Finally the last set of exercise in which you use your hand simultaneously. Do this exercise while sitting, partially bend with hand on support on legs with pushing the hand 130 degrees towards your chest. Shoulder should be kept rigid and still while moving only arms such that the maximum tension would be occur only on biceps.

concentration curls

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